
Startdato: 01.12.2021
Sluttdato: 30.11.2025
Finansiering: FFL-JA – Forskningsmidlene for jordbruk og matindustri, Grofondet
FoU-partner: NIBIO (prosjekteigar) 
Samarbeid: NLR (Agder, Vest, Viken), NJØS, University of Arkansas, James Hutton Institute, Norgro, Gartnerhallen, BAMA Gruppen, Sagaplant, Plantsauna, Graminor, NMBU Veterinærhøgskolen, Hening Lyche Røed, Knut Ove Seland, Hildur Elisabeth Brøvig, Anders Voll Eltun, Wald Lyslo 
Prosjektgruppe: NIBIO, NLR, NJØS, Henning Lyche Røed 


Dag Røen
Tlf.: +47 975 24 065

RobustRubus- Sustainable solutions for profitable raspberry and blackberry production 

Dyrking av bringebær og bjørnebær i utvida sesong  

The primary focus of RobustRubus is to provide the basis for extended-season cultivation in high plastic tunnels of raspberry and blackberry, i.e. harvesting from June to October. However, results from the project may also be used in the traditional open-field production. The project will investigate how we can better exploit high-quality and high-yielding annual and bi-annual cultivars adapted to Nordic climatic conditions. For a rapid and economically sound adaptation of the cultivars, we seek to advance the understanding of their reactions to temperature, light and growth media. To ensure the establishment of wood fibre as a viable growing media, watering and fertilization will be thoroughly adapted to cultivars, growth phases, time of the season and environmental conditions. A life cycle assessment (LCA) will be performed to compare environmental sustainability among growth media and high plastic tunnel vs. open field production. Both in transplant and fruit production of the two crops, it is expected that RobustRubus will contribute to a substantial reduction in current use of synthetic chemicals by introducing several non-chemical means in the control of fungal pathogens and mites.  


Prognosar i frukt og bær


Pomologisk karakterisering